
Scientific Name: 
Taxus baccata

Yew is a medium-sized, evergreen tree commonly found in churchyards - more than 500 churchyards in England and Wales alone contain Yew trees that are at least as old as the church itself. This association with Christian religion (and possibly even older beliefs) and its ability to reach extreme old age have ensured that Yew is now surrounded by many myths. In fact, the dead were sometimes buried beneath Yew trees to 'protect' them. Wild Yew is mainly found on well-drained chalk and limestone soils, so the prevalence of old trees in churchyards in south-east and central England, Wales and the Lake District mirrors this fact.

How to identify: 
Yew is easily recognised by its dense, glossy, dark green needles and bright red berries with a single dark seed.
Where to find it: 
Widespread, particularly in graveyards.
How people can help: 

Many ancient Yews are found in churchyards which can be great places for wildlife: their old stone walls and gravestones harbour lichens and mosses, Yews and hedges provide food for birds and mammals, meadows are nectar sources for butterflies, and their peaceful atmosphere is good for wildlife and people alike. The Wildlife Trusts help local churches to look after the habitats they shelter through a variety of projects - get in touch with your local Trust today to find out more or volunteer to help.

Height: up to 20m
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
One of the oldest Yew trees in the UK is the Fortingall Yew in Scotland, which is estimated at somewhere between 2,000 and 9,000 years old. Ancient Yews such as this tend to have buttressed, hollow or multiple trunks, and fallen boughs, making them a maze of wood beneath the dense foliage.
When to see
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Fruiting yew - Amy Lewis