Wild Thyme

Scientific Name: 
Thymus polytrichus

Wild Thyme is by far the most widespread and abundant of the thyme species. Walk across a chalk grassland in summer and its fragrance will punctuate the warm air around you - a delightful, sensory experience. Often forming mats low to the ground, it can also be found growing in short-turfed pastures and meadows, and on cliffs, walls and rocky places.

How to identify: 
An aromatic, creeping perennial, Wild Thyme has oval leaves that appear in pairs along its stems, and densely packed heads of pinky-purple flowers that appear from June to September.
Where to find it: 
Widespread in the south-east of England, patchy distribution elsewhere but can be found in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
How people can help: 

Areas of rare and unique wildlife, chalk grasslands have been likened to rainforest for the diversity of species they hold. But they are being lost at an alarming rate due to changes in land use causing the decline of grazing: it's estimated that we've lost 80% of our chalk grassland over the last 60 years. The Wildlife Trusts manage many grassland nature reserves for the benefit of the rare wildlife they hold. You can help too: volunteer for your local Wildlife Trust and you could be involved in everything from scrub-cutting to stockwatching.

Height: up to 5cm
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
The thyme used in cooking is usually the Mediterranean herb, Thymus Vulgaris. Occasionally, this species can be found growing on old walls and banks having been thrown-out with garden rubbish. Wild Thyme, however, has its uses: from scenting clothes to making tea, it's had a long association with humans.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Wild thyme - northeastwildlife.co.uk