White Water-lily

Scientific Name: 
Nymphaea alba

The White Water-lily is a common plant of still or slow-moving water and grows in ponds, lakes, canals and ditches. It has large 'lily pad' leaves, up to 30cm across, and grows in water up to 5 metres deep, with the leaves floating on the surface. It flowers during the summer from June to August, the blooms opening up in the sunshine.

How to identify: 
The White Water-lily has rounder leaves than the Yellow Water Lily, and a larger, white flower which is sometimes tinged with pink.
Where to find it: 
Grows throughout most of the country, although absent from northern Scotland and south-west England.
How people can help: 

Human activity, including the drainage of land for agriculture and the loss of ponds through development, has resulted in the disappearance of many of the UK's wetlands. The Wildlife Trusts are working closely with planners, developers and farmers to ensure our wetlands are protected. You can help too: plant water-lilies and other natives in a wildlife-friendly pond and provide shelter for frogs and nectar for insects. In partnership with the RHS, The Wildlife Trusts' Wild About Gardens initiative can help you plan your wildlife garden.

Flower size: 15-20cm across
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
The White Water-lily produces the UK's largest flower, which grows up to 20cm in diameter and comprises 20 to 25 petals.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
White water lily - Zsuzsanna Bird