
Scientific Name: 
Linaria vulgaris

Common Toadflax is a common plant of waste grounds, grasslands, roadside verges and hedgerows. Its orange and yellow flowers appear in June and can be seen well into November; they look like the flowers of snapdragons (familiar garden plants), and are often densely packed. These flowers give the plant its other common name of 'Butter and Eggs'.

How to identify: 
The upright stems of Common Toadflax have narrow leaves and are packed with long-spurred, orange-centred, yellow flowers.
Where to find it: 
How people can help: 

Like many of our native plants, Common Toadflax is an excellent source of nectar and pollen for all kinds of insects including bumblebees and butterflies. To encourage wildlife into your garden, try planting native flower species in your borders to provide a 'nectar-cafe'. To find out more about wildlife-friendly gardening, visit our Wild About Gardens website: a joint initiative with the RHS, there's plenty of facts and tips to get you started.

Height: up to 75cm
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
Common Toadflax provides a food source for Buff-tailed and White-tailed Bumblebees, Common Carder Bees, Honey Bees and a variety of fly species.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Toadflax - Amy Lewis