Serrated Wrack

Scientific Name: 
Fucus serratus

Serrated, 'Saw' or 'Toothed' Wrack is a common 'wrack' seaweed that grows just above the low water mark on sheltered, rocky shores. Its fronds do not have air bladders but have serrated edges, hence the common names.

How to identify: 
A golden brown 'wrack' seaweed, recognised by the strap-like branching fronds with jagged serrated edges.
Where to find it: 
Common on rocky shores all around our coasts.
How people can help: 

Serrated Wrack, and other species of seaweed, support a number of epiphytes (plants that grow on other plants) and provide food and shelter for all kinds of shore creatures from grazing molluscs to tiny fish. Our seas and coastline are in need of protection if we are to keep our marine wildlife healthy. The Wildlife Trusts are working with fishermen, researchers, politicians and local people towards a vision of 'Living Seas', where marine wildlife thrives. This work has recently had a massive boost with the passing of the Marine Bill, promising sustainable development of the UK's marine environment. Do your bit for our Living Seas by supporting your local Wildlife Trust.

Length: up to 60cm
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
Reproduction in Serrated Wrack peaks in late summer when gametes are released into the water to be fertilised externally. Female Serrated Wracks can release more than a million eggs.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
 - John Wigham