
Scientific Name: 
Hippophae rhamnoides

Sea-buckthorn is a very spiny shrub, native to sand dunes along the east coast of England, but planted in other areas to help stabilise dune systems. It forms dense thickets with thorny twigs and, although it has small green flowers, is most noticeable in the autumn when it displays an abundance of bright orange berries.

How to identify: 
Sea-buckthorn can be identified by its long, narrow, greyish leaves and bright orange berries.
Where to find it: 
Found along the east coast of England and along the coast of NI, but also widely planted along urban roadsides and around the coast.
How people can help: 

Sea-buckthorn is an important shrub in coastal sand dune systems, helping to stabilise the dunes and providing food and shelter for wildlife, including birds like Fieldfares. The Wildlife Trusts look after many coastal habitats and are working closely with farmers, landowners and developers to promote wildlife-friendly practices in these areas. We have a vision of a 'Living Landscape': a network of habitats and wildlife corridors across town and country, which are good for both wildlife and people. You can support this greener vision for the future by joining your local Wildlife Trust.

Height: 1-6m usual, but up to 10m possible
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
The orange berries of Sea-buckthorn provide food for wintering thrushes as they arrive from the continent in the autumn. They can also provide food for us too: they can be used to create jellies or syrups.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
The bright orange fruits of sea-buckthorn  - Amy Lewis