Sea Beet

Scientific Name: 
Beta vulgaris

Sea Beet grows in coastal places at tidelines, on shingle beaches, cliffs and sea-walls, and in saltmarshes. It is a close relative of some of our cultivated beets, such as Sugar-beet, Swiss Chard and Beetroot, and can also be cooked and eaten.

How to identify: 
Sea Beet is a sprawling perennial with triangular or oval, glossy leaves, spikes of green flowers that appear from July to September, and reddish stems.
Where to find it: 
Found throughout the UK in coastal locations, but absent from the very north of Scotland.
How people can help: 

The Wildlife Trusts look after many coastal habitats for the benefit of all kinds of plants, and are working closely with farmers, landowners and developers to promote wildlife-friendly practices in these areas. We have a vision of a 'Living Landscape': a network of habitats and wildlife corridors across town and country, which are good for both wildlife and people. You can support this greener vision for the future by joining your local Wildlife Trust.

Height: up to 1m
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
Sea Beet is also known as 'Wild Spinach' because of its similarity to this popular vegetable.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Sea beet - Bas Kers