Pendulous Sedge

Scientific Name: 
Carex pendula

Pendulous Sedge is a clump-forming plant of wet woodlands and riversides. It has a scattered distribution, but particularly prefers ancient woods on clay and heavy soils; it is also a popular plant with gardeners. Living up to its common name, the long, nodding flower spikes are attractive and appear from May to July.

How to identify: 
Pendulous Sedge has long, yellowish-green leaves and arching stems that carry the yellow, catkin-like flower spikes that can be up to 2.5cm long.
Where to find it: 
Locally common in England and Wales.
How people can help: 

Human activity, including the drainage of land for agriculture and development, has resulted in the disappearance of many of the UK's wetlands. The Wildlife Trusts are working closely with planners, developers and farmers to ensure our wetlands are protected. You can help too: add native flowers and plants, such as Pendulous Sedge, to a wildlife-friendly pond and its margins, and provide shelter for amphibians and nectar for insects. In partnership with the RHS, The Wildlife Trusts' Wild About Gardens initiative can help you plan your wildlife garden.

Height: up to 1.5m
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
Because of its drooping appearance, Pendulous Sedge is also known as 'Weeping Sedge' or 'Hanging Sedge'.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
 - Richard Burkmar