Musk Mallow

Scientific Name: 
Malva moschata

A more elegant relative of the Common Mallow, the Musk Mallow has delicate pale pink flowers and grows on roadside verges, in hedgerows, pastures and churchyards, and along the edges of fields. It favours dry places and is a popular cottage garden plant.

How to identify: 
The flowers of Musk Mallow appear in July and August and have a musky smell, hence the common name. They have five petals which are pale pink with fine, darker pink veins. The stems and lobed leaves are hairy.
Where to find it: 
Mainly found in England and Wales, but it does grow in parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland.
How people can help: 

Although they sometimes don't look especially wildlife-friendly, our roadside verges, railway cuttings and churchyards can provide valuable habitats for all kinds of plants and animals. The Wildlife Trusts get involved in different projects to help make these places as beneficial for wildlife as possible. We have a vision of a 'Living Landscape': a network of habitats and wildlife corridors across town and country, which are good for both wildlife and people. You can support this greener vision for the future by joining your local Wildlife Trust.

Height: up to 75cm
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
If you live in a dry, sunny corner of the country, try planting Musk Mallow alongside Marjoram, Field Scabious, Cornflower and Greater Knapweed, and enjoy the buzz and hum of insects visiting your miniature wildflower meadow.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
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