
Scientific Name: 
Hedera helix

The climbing stems, glossy leaves and globular clusters of black berries of Ivy are a familiar sight across town and country. Growing up trees and old walls, carpeting the ground, and forming thick bushes if left unchecked, this creeping plant is not actually a parasite, as many might think, but only gets support from its host. This host might be our house, a shed or a tree in woodland, but none of them will suffer for it. The yellow-green flowers of Ivy are a great source of nectar for autumn insects such as Hornets, Honey Bees and Red Admiral Butterflies. Ivy also provides roosting sites for bats and birds, and a home for hibernating insects like Brimstone Butterflies.

How to identify: 
Ivy is an evergreen and its glossy, oval leaves with pale veins can be seen throughout the year. Between September and November, look out for the yellow-green flowers that grow in rounded clusters; these are followed by black berries.
Where to find it: 
How people can help: 

The loss of many of our natural habitats in the countryside mean that the flowers and plants in our gardens provide vital food and shelter for a range of wildlife including butterflies, bees, birds and small mammals. To encourage wildlife into your garden, try planting native species such as Ivy. To find out more about wildlife-friendly gardening, visit our Wild About Gardens website: a joint initiative with the RHS, there's plenty of facts and tips to get you started.

Height: up to 20m
Conservation status: 
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When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Ivy - Philip Precey