
Scientific Name: 
Carpinus betulus

Common Hornbeam is an abundant tree in southern and eastern England, but is not as familiar as other woodland species, perhaps due to its general confinement to ancient woods. Its large catkins appear in late spring and large, winged seeds can be spotted in autumn as they are dispersed by the wind. The wood of Common Hornbeam is notoriously hard and difficult to work with, hence its other common name of 'Hardbeam'.

How to identify: 
Common Hornbeam is most easily recognised by the combination of its smooth grey, 'twisting' trunks, toothed-edged leaves and three-lobed seeds. It could be mistaken for Beech, but has more toothed, veiny leaves.
Where to find it: 
Native in southern and eastern England, frequently planted elsewhere.
How people can help: 

Our native tree species, such as Common Hornbeam, provide important links in the food chain for many animals, as well as areas for shelter and nesting. The Wildlife Trusts recognise the importance of healthy habitats to support all kinds of species throughout the food chain, so look after many nature reserves for the benefit of wildlife. You can help too: volunteer for your local Wildlife Trust and you could be involved in everything from coppicing to craft-making, stockwatching to surveying.

Height: up to 30m
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
During the winter, the seeds of Common Hornbeam are a favourite food of the elusive Hawfinch - the UK's largest finch and which is declining at an alarming rate.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Hornbeam - Anne Tanne