
Scientific Name: 
Paris quadrifolia

With its whorl of four egg-shaped leaves, Herb-Paris is known as the 'herb of equality' because all of its parts are considered equal and harmonious. This symmetry appealed to medieval herbalists and Herb-Paris was used both in marriage rituals and to guard against witches. It is a perennial plant of damp woodlands, mainly on chalky soils, and its crown of understated, green flowers can be found blooming among Bluebells and Primroses in May and June.

How to identify: 
The four broad, oval leaves of Herb-Paris, set in a cross, are quite distinctive. Rising from the middle, an upright stem bears a flower: a star of four narrow, yellow-green petals and four green sepals, topped by a dark berry (ovary) and a crown of eight golden stamens.
Where to find it: 
Found throughout mainland UK.
How people can help: 

The Wildlife Trusts manage many woodland nature reserves sympathetically for a range of spring flowers, from modest Herb-Paris to fragrant Ramsons, showy Bluebells to delicate Wood Anemones. A mix of coppicing, scrub-cutting and ride maintenance open up the woodland floor to the sun, helping many flowers and plants to thrive. You can help too: volunteer for your local Wildlife Trust and you could be involved in everything from traditional forest crafts to raising awareness about woodland wildlife.

Height: up to 35cm
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
Certain plants are used as indicators of how old a woodland is, although these plants may differ from region to region, simply because habitats, soils and conditions change the flora present. Herb-Paris is used as an indicator of ancient woodlands on moist chalky soils and is very scarce in Scotland and western Wales, and absent from the extreme south-west of England.
When to see
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Herb-Paris - Philip Precey