Green-winged Orchid

Scientific Name: 
Anacamptis morio (formerly Orchis morio)

This short orchid is a plant of unimproved drier grassland, usually flowering in May or June.



How to identify: 
The flowers cluster around a single spike, and tend to be pink or purple with three lobes. The name is derived from a hood formed by the sepals above the flower which appear lined with green veins. The leaves are narrow and pointed and do not have spots on them unlike some other common grassland orchids.
Where to find it: 
Old hay meadows and other unimproved grasslands. Grazing animals present during May and June may remove the flower heads making them harder to locate and identify. They are widely distributed throughout England and Wales.
How people can help: 

The UK has lost over 97% of its unimproved hay meadows. The Wildlife Trusts own and manage many such reserves and promote sympathetic management with private landowners and organisations to protect and expand other such sites. By joining your local Wildlife Trust you can help them to continue this work.

Each seed pod can contain thousands of dust-like seeds.
Did you know?: 
Orchids seeds do not contain enough energy in the form of food reserves to germinate on their own and have to form a partnership with mycorrhizal fungus to grow. The loss of these fungi through cultivation or application of artificial fertilisers and herbicides explains why these orchids are generally only found in unimproved grasslands.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Green-winged orchid