
Scientific Name: 
Fumaria officinalis

Common Fumitory is a common, scrambling plant growing in arable fields and on waste ground in the wider countryside, and favouring well-drained soils. It can also be found in gardens, where some gardeners view it as a weed.

How to identify: 
Common Fumitory has small, much-divided, grey-green leaves and crimson-tipped, pink flowers that appear from April to October.
Where to find it: 
Found throughout the country.
How people can help: 

Many of our so-called 'weeds' are beneficial to wildlife, providing food for nectar-loving insects and shelter for minibeasts. Try leaving wilder areas in your garden, such as patches of flowers like buttercups in your lawn and nettles near the compost heap, and see who comes to visit... To find out more about wildlife-friendly gardening, visit our Wild About Gardens website: a joint initiative with the RHS, there's plenty of facts and tips to get you started.

Height: up to 10cm
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
Both historical and modern herbalists have used Common Fumitory to treat conjunctivitis of the eyes, skin diseases and cleanse the kidneys, but the plant is actually poisonous so this should not be tried at home.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Common Fumitory - Philip Precey