Fly Agaric

Scientific Name: 
Amanita muscaria

Fly agarics grow in pine and birch woodland and parkland or lowland heath with scattered trees. They are common during late summer and autumn. They are very poisonous; ingestion can lead to stomach cramps, hallucinations and even death.

How to identify: 
Probably the most familiar looking fungus, with its famous red cap with white spots or 'warts'. The cap is rounded or flat. The flesh and stem are white and the gills under the cap are free of the stem.
Where to find it: 
How people can help: 

Fungi are an important part of our woodland ecology, helping to recycle nutrients from dead or decaying organic matter. Many animals depend on them, too. The Wildlife Trusts look after many woodland reserves, managing them for the benefit of the wildlife present, often leaving standing and fallen dead wood which supports fungi. You can help by having log piles and dead wood in your own garden to encourage fungi. In partnership with the RHS, The Wildlife Trusts' Wild About Gardens initiative can help you plan your wildlife garden.

Cap diameter: 8-20cm Stem height: 8-18cm
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
The Fly Agaric is the famous 'toadstool' of fairytales. In ancient Siberia, the local shaman would sneak into people
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Fly agaric - Zsuzsanna Bird