Field Maple

Scientific Name: 
Acer campestre

Field Maple is a relatively small tree, often found in hedgerows and woodland edges. Its leaves turn a rich, golden-yellow in the autumn, but for the rest of the year, it is quite inconspicuous. It produces large, winged seeds that are dispersed by the wind in the autumn. It has recently become a popular tree for towns and cities as it is tolerant of pollution.

How to identify: 
Field Maple has dark green, five-lobed leaves, which are smaller, more oblong and have more rounded lobes than the leaves of Sycamore. The bark of Field Maple twigs becomes corky with age.
Where to find it: 
How people can help: 

The Wildlife Trusts manage many woodland nature reserves sympathetically for all kinds of species. A mix of coppicing, scrub-cutting, ride maintenance and non-intervention all help woodland wildlife to thrive. You can help too: volunteer for your local Wildlife Trust and you could be involved in everything from traditional forest crafts to raising awareness about woodland animals.

Height: 8-14m
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
Traditionally, the wood of Field Maple was used for wood-turning, as a veneer and to make musical instruments such as harps.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Field maple leaf - Philip Precey