Dingy skipper

Scientific Name: 
Erynnis tages

This small butterfly has a moth-like appearance and a buzzing low darting flight style.  The caterpillar's preferred foodplant is common bird's-foot trefoil. On heavier ground it will eat horseshoe vetch or greater bird's-foot trefoil. In sunny weather it will bask on bare ground with open wings.

How to identify: 
Has dark grey brown upperwings with mottled brown markings. Underwings more reddish brown with 2 rows of white spots. May be confused with grizzled skipper, mother shipton moth or burnet companion moth, which may occur at the same time and place.
Where to find it: 
Wide range of open sunny habitats including chalk downland, woodland rides and clearings, heathlands and waste ground. Prefers combination of food plant and patches of open ground together with taller plants for shelter and roosting.
How people can help: 

The Wildlife Trusts manage our habitats sympathetically for the benefit of all kinds of butterflies, including the dingy skipper, which has undergone declines in some areas. We are also working closely with farmers, landowners and developers to promote wildlife-friendly practices. We have a vision of a 'Living Landscape': a network of habitats and wildlife corridors across town and country, which are good for both wildlife and people. You can support this greener vision for the future by joining your local Wildlife Trust.

Wingspan 25mm
Conservation status: 
Increasingly rare having declined seriously in recent years. Is a Priority Species in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan.
Did you know?: 
In dull weather and at night it perches on top of dead flowerheads in a moth like fashion, with wings curved in a way not seen in other butterflies.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Dingy skipper