Deptford Pink

Scientific Name: 
Dianthus armeria

The Deptford Pink has declined rapidly in range and is now known to inhabit only about 15 sites in the UK, mainly in the south. It prefers light, sandy, acidic soils and requires open conditions to grow well. It can be found on disturbed ground, such as tracks and field edges, along hedgerows and in dry pasture.

How to identify: 
The Deptford Pink has a long flower stalk and deep pink petals that have delicate, pale spots and ragged edges. It has a rosette of green leaves at its base.
Where to find it: 
Very localised and rare, scattered in England, Wales and Ireland.
How people can help: 

The Deptford Pink has suffered serious declines over recent years mainly due to the intensification of agriculture and removal of hedgerows. The Wildlife Trusts are working closely with farmers and landowners to promote wildlife-friendly practices to help this and many other species. We are working towards a 'Living Landscape': a network of habitats and wildlife corridors across town and country, which are good for both wildlife and people. You can support this greener vision for the future by joining your local Wildlife Trust.

Height: up to 60cm
Conservation status: 
Classified as a Priority Species in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan and as Endangered in Britain on the Red Data List. Protected in the UK under Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981.
Did you know?: 
The Deptford Pink was named by a 17th century naturalist, Thomas Johnson, who described a pink flower growing in Deptford in East London. Yet it is highly likely that he was actually describing its cousin, Maiden Pink, and that this flower probably hadn't grown in the area since the city of London was built.
When to see
Start date: 
End date: 
Deptford pink - Janet Powell