Deadly Nightshade

Scientific Name: 
Atropa belladonna

The poisonous nature of Deadly Nightshade is famous: its shiny black berries are perhaps a temptation to children, but fatal in even small doses. Found mainly on chalky and limestone soils, particularly on recently disturbed ground, this bushy perennial has bell-shaped flowers that appear from June to August.

How to identify: 
Deadly Nightshade has oval, pointed leaves which are pale green and strongly ribbed. Purple-brown flowers appear before the berries, which are green at first, turning to shiny black, and look a little like cherries.
Where to find it: 
Grows in a range of areas across the UK, but is most common in central and southern England.
How people can help: 

Despite its poisonous nature, especially for humans and some mammals, Deadly Nightshade is still a useful plant for wildlife with certain species being unaffected by its toxins. The Wildlife Trusts manage many nature reserves for the benefit of all kinds of wildlife, including many different species of plants. But these precious sites are under threat from development, intensive agricultural practices and climate change. You can help by supporting your local Trust and becoming a member; you'll find out about exciting wildlife happenings, events on your doorstep and volunteering opportunities, and be helping local wildlife along the way.

Height: up to 1m
Conservation status: 
Did you know?: 
Although the berries might be the most tempting part of Deadly Nightshade, all parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested. It causes a range of symptoms including blurred vision, a rash, headaches, slurred speech, hallucinations, convulsions, and eventually death.
When to see
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Deadly nightshade - Donald Macauley