Bearded Tit

Scientific Name: 
Panurus biarmicus

Bearded Tits are small birds with long tails, mainly found in large reedbeds where they feed on insects and reed seeds. They build their nests low down amongst the reeds, often on piles of dead reed stems. Bearded Tits can be heard calling with a nasal 'ting' or 'ping' call as they fly about the reeds.

How to identify: 
Unmistakeable: Bearded Tits are cinnamon-brown with long tails. They have grey heads with a black 'moustache' (rather than a beard) and a yellow bill and eyes. Females are less colourful and do not have the moustache.
Where to find it: 
Found in large reedbeds in south and eastern England and in the north-west of England.
How people can help: 

Bearded Tits are vulnerable to particularly harsh winters and have been declining in recent years. The Wildlife Trusts are working hard to look after these and other wetland birds by managing wetland habitats sympathetically - the cutting and planting of reedbeds will help Bearded Tits in particular. You can help by supporting your local Trust and becoming a member; you'll find out about exciting wildlife happenings, events on your doorstep and volunteering opportunities, and be helping local wildlife along the way.

Length: 12cm Wingspan: 17cm Weight: 15g
Conservation status: 
Classified in the UK as an Amber List species under the Birds of Conservation Concern review.
Did you know?: 
The Bearded Tit is also known as 'Bearded Reedling' or 'Bearded Parrotbill', and is not actually a tit at all, but the only British member of a family of Asian birds called Parrotbills.
When to see
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Bearded tit in a reedbed - Stefan Johansson