Barnacle Goose

Scientific Name: 
Branta leucopsis

The Barnacle Goose is one of our smaller geese, with a relatively small, rounded head and a very short bill. A common winter visitor to the north-west of Britain in particular. Like all geese, they will graze on vegetation such as roots, stems, leaves and seeds.

How to identify: 
A small, black and white goose, with more white on its face than the Canada Goose. Barnacle Geese have no brown on them at all.
Where to find it: 
Wild birds only found here in the winter. Nests in Greenland and Svalbard and spends the winter in Scotland and Ireland. Small numbers of feral birds nest on gravel pits and park lakes.
How people can help: 

Britain is an important stopover for many wintering migrant species, so it is vital that we protect the places they rely on. But the survival of our waterbirds is threatened by the loss and degradation of many of our wetland habitats. The Wildlife Trusts manage many wetland nature reserves for the benefit of the wildlife they support. You can help by supporting your local Trust and becoming a member; you'll find out about exciting wildlife happenings, events on your doorstep and volunteering opportunities, and be helping local wildlife along the way.

Length: 58-68cm Wingspan: 1.3m Weight: 1.7kg Average Lifespan: 14 years
Conservation status: 
Classified in the UK as an Amber List species under the Birds of Conservation Concern review.
Did you know?: 
It was once thought that Barnacle Geese hatched out of Goose Barnacles attached to ships at sea - their shells washing up on the west coast of Scotland in the autumn. This belief grew up because Goose Barnacles have black and white stripes and Barnacle Geese eggs and nests were never seen. It even meant that people considered the Barnacle Goose acceptable to eat on Fridays and during Lent, despite the Church's ban on eating meat at these times, because the Barnacle Goose was not 'born of the flesh'.
When to see
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Barnacle Goose - Dave Appleton