Discovering Butterflies - Identification training day

Shropshire Wildlife Trust were kindly awarded funding from WREN ( to restore and maintain the Oswestry hills landscape to ensure it is an enriched habitat for a range of species and in particular butterflies.

Join butterfly expert Dr Simon Spencer and Shropshire Wildlife Trust reserve officer Gareth Egar for an informative day of identification of butterflies that inhabit north Shropshire.

Participants will spend the morning indoors looking at the various species and if the weather remains dry and sunny, you will get to head out into the beautiful Oswestry hills to hunt out Pearl bordered fritillary and Small Pearl bordered fritillary.

This ensures to be a day where you will leave inspired to discover more about these much loved and charismatic creatures, with the opportunity to maybe get involved more with the project as a whole.
Light refreshments will be provided on the day.

Although this is a free event, we recommend booking as places are limited. Book online here:

Eventbrite - Discovering Butterflies: Identification training day